
Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This weekend I ended up buying a Michael's Crafts N' Shiz three drawer Pressed Particle Wood box instead of swatching.
I feel like a squirrel moving my nuts from one place to the other, sitting down, breathing a sigh of relief, then moving them again.
I've organized my polishes by color, which can be not only interesting, challenging, but depends on the lighting.
Some blues can go green in tungsten lighting (normal lightbulb), a violet may look gray. Curses!
At times deciphering fuschia and magenta as purple or red can make you break down and just want to donate that bottle!
Putting this thing together meant watching "A Letter To Three Wives" because 1) it's a great movie. 2) it takes your mind off of piece A, B, C, D, E, F, G and screw a b c d e f. Is it Brad?

So, now I have an Ikea Helmer. Huzzah! Love it! and a Melmer (Michael's Helmer)
(word of warning: you can pull a drawer out of a Helmer and it might fall, but it won't break. A Melmer is prone to breakage, also you need to put wax under the drawers or pulling them sounds like you are doing bodily harm to a hamster. Not so good.)

Soon I will post stash photos.

Here is the basic organizational arrangement.
Helmer (by drawer):
  • Glitters/sheer top coat type of polishes
  • Top Coats, Base coats, treatments. Overflow glitters, overflow neutrals
  • Neutrals (gray, silver, black, white, creme, taupe, brown...brown another conundrum? Red? Neutral? Nothing is perfect)
  • Blues
  • Greens
  • Purples

Melmer (by Drawer)
  • Red (pink, burgundy, and all reddish/orange type colors)
  • Red overflow and Sets I Hate to Break Up
  • Purple overflow and some Maybellines from Denim and Diva collection

I might move blue up to the Melmer and use the extra Helmer drawer for Purples. Nut moving is endless. Worse, Orly and Essie have spring collections. I am also coveting the China Glaze Rodeo Diva collection, have been for a long time and would hate to miss it.

I also should think about purging/swapping/donating some stuff I just DO NOT ENJOY trying to wear, especially as I use better polish.
One example: Revlon. Die Revlon. Die! You never dry, no matter how much I baby you, you just. don't. dry. (said in a Captain-Kirk-affected voice)
I'm wearing Color Club "After Hours" from their "Musique" collection and find that it's not only a great polish that doesn't shrink, it's a great polish that holds up well, dries quickly and has a smoking blue shimmer in it's charcoal loveliness!
Well, duh!
I need to swap swatch (!) that collection, it's awesome. Dark, mysterious, and beautiful!

So there will be a slight break will I catch up on photos.

Thanks for reading!


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