
Thursday, October 22, 2009

My first blog. My first entry.

This is an online journal of my polishes. I used to wear polish when I was in junior high. It was fun, it was what we did. Our little group of girls were mad over the Revlons with the snappy colors and cute names. I remember a white frost that was impossibly perfect. My browned fingers from tropical sun made the polish look like glimmering pearls at the end of my fingers. Then I got into high school, got busy, got into horses and spent a lot of years working with horses. My weak long nails always broke or bent so I got into the habit of biting them down every couple of weeks. A few years ago I went back to school as a "non-traditional" student. I was in the drug store and found a polish by Isadora. Opal 49. A gummy thing that never dried. But I tried it. It made my fingers - now tanned from working with my horse - all dingey. I dumped it into the back of the cabinet. A few months ago I went into the mall to find a sweater. I wandered into a beauty store. I saw a polish that was a frosty blue: Sahara Sapphire by OPI. HOLY CATS! A gorgeous frost! In my favorite blue-purple! Hmmm. Maybe I should rethink this fingernail thing! So, I also started to think it would be nice to know what I am buying and to keep track of colors and duplicates. I am building a spreadsheet to keep track, it appears in my nascent collecting I've got duplicates and doubles. Of course, then there are back ups. Some colors are so rare and beautiful to my eye, that back up seems only logical. That can add up. So here are some of my favorite things about nail polish:
  1. So many colors!
  2. So many colors are now cool for everyone to wear
  3. No nasty chemistry!
  4. Purples, blues, greens. IN NAIL POLISH!!! (I remember a blue from Revlon in the 70's, it was so cheerful)
  5. My nails are growing, growing longer, stronger and thanks to the polish I don't bite them and the cuticles and skin around my nails is beginning to look better! Yay!
Ok...let the party start!

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